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Wadham College was founded by Dorothy Wadham in 1610. Despite overseeing the purchase of the land and the employment of the architect and College staff, Dorothy Wadham never actually visited Oxford. Nevertheless she was a great supporter. The architect was William Arnold and this building is an example of Oxford Gothic.




Christopher Wren is a former student of Wadham College. His second ever commission was to design the magnificent Sheldonian Theatre on Broad Street. He based it on an engraving of the first century Theatre of Marcellus in Rome.  Matriculations, graduations and concerts take place there today.

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Sheldonian theatre, Broad Street, Oxford


Across the road, directly opposite the Sheldonian Theatre is a grade II 16th century pub called the White Horse. Many a concert goer has nipped across to the White Horse for a quick pint during the intervals.

White Horse, Broad Street, Oxford

Hollywell Music Room is the first custom built music hall in Europe. It was designed by the Vice-Principal of St Edmund Hall, Thomas Camplin and opened in 1748. It sits on the grounds of Wadham College. Notice the student accommodation on the upper right-hand corner of the painting.


Hollywell Music Hall, Broad Street, Oxford


Wadham College was the first college to fly the rainbow flag in support of LGBTQ rights.  It is proud to support diversity and each year holds Queerfest. 

Nicholas and Dorothy Wadham, founders of the college

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