Harris Manchester was founded in 1786. The name is derived from where it was once based and from whose donation it was made possible, Lord Harris of Peckham. It is the smallest of Oxford colleges.
Thomas Worthington, designed the Harris Manchester building in the 19th century. Because of his socialist and Unitarian views he was often asked to design public buildings such as libraries, workhouses and baths. All his buildings have a substantial solid look. Harris Manchester is beautiful. It has many strong features, the shape alone is stunning.

A clock tower and gate were added to the west of the main quad in 2014. It's called the Siew-Sngiem Clock Tower & Sukum Navapan Gate. Look at the inscription on the tower; it reads:"It is later than you think, but it is never too late"

"It is later than you think, but it is never too late"
Although there is no upper age limit for applying to Harris Manchester, all graduates and undergraduates have to be over 21 years old.