Somerville Hall was founded in 1879 by social liberals who wanted to give women a chance of an Oxford Education. The college was named after the Scottish mathematician and scientist Mary Somerville. The college is regarded as one of the most liberal of the University.
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All Souls I Balliol I Brasenose I Christ Church I Corpus Christi I Exeter I Green Templeton I Harris Manchester I Hertford I Jesus I Keble
Kellogg I Lady Margaret Hall I Linacre I Lincoln I Magdalen I Mansfield I Merton I New I Nuffield I Oriel I Pembroke I Queen's I Regent's Park I
St Anne's I St Antony's I St Benet's I St Catherine's I St Cross I St Edmund Hall I St Hilda's I St Hugh's I St John's I St Peter's I St Stephen's I Somerville I Trinity I University I Wadham I Wolfson I Worcester I Wycliffe