Lincoln College's full name is 'The College of the Blessed Mary and All Saints, Lincoln'. Lincoln has strong ties with All Saints Church of St Michael of the Northgate and houses its library there. Lincoln college facade looks onto Turl Street. Most of the properties on Turl Street are owned by the college.
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All Souls I Balliol I Brasenose I Christ Church I Corpus Christi I Exeter I Green Templeton I Harris Manchester I Hertford I Jesus I Keble
Kellogg I Lady Margaret Hall I Linacre I Lincoln I Magdalen I Mansfield I Merton I New I Nuffield I Oriel I Pembroke I Queen's I Regent's Park I
St Anne's I St Antony's I St Benet's I St Catherine's I St Cross I St Edmund Hall I St Hilda's I St Hugh's I St John's I St Peter's I St Stephen's I Somerville I Trinity I University I Wadham I Wolfson I Worcester I Wycliffe