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Oxford Brookes University started life as the Oxford School of Art in 1865 and was originally located in the Taylorian building in St Giles. Today the University has campuses  in Headington, Swindon, Wheatley and Harcourt Hill. The current Chancellor is Paterson Joseph.


All Souls I Balliol I Blackfriars Hall I Blavatnik I Brasenose I Brookes University I Campion Hall I Christ Church I Corpus Christi I Exeter I Green Templeton I Harris Manchester I Hertford I Jesus I Keble I Kellogg I Lady Margaret Hall I Linacre I Lincoln I Magdalen I Mansfield I Merton I New I Nuffield I Oriel I Pembroke I Queen's I Regent's Park I St Anne's I St Antony's I St Catherine's I St Cross I St Edmund Hall I St Hilda's I St Hugh's I St John's I St Peter's  I Said Business School I Somerville I Trinity I University I Wadham I Wolfson I Worcester I Wycliffe

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